
Come on over...

I've been hoping you would visit!

We can snack on some fresh tomatoes from the garden. Please. And while we are at it, you can take home a few pounds of zucchini!

It's been storming off and on all day, so we can sit in the dining room and catch up. I just mopped the floors and put down a new rug. I don't know how long it will go without having chocolate milk spilled all over it, so let's enjoy it while we can.

Oh, there's the oven timer, the peach cake is done! I have an abundance of peaches getting soft, and I love a good peach dessert! Charlie isn't a fan, so eat as much as you can!

Michelle isn't one to miss a party, and she has traveled a long way, so I'll let her rest* on my SHAG WDW pillow**...

...and maybe have a drink* out of a SHAG WDW tumbler**...

...or you can stare longingly* at my SHAG WDW map print.**

Why all the domesticity you might ask? Anything to keep my mind off Jaxon's first day of kindergarten tomorrow. He's no longer a baby!

* No resting, drinking, or staring longingly on/from/at/near my SHAG merchandise please!

** SHAG (AKA JoSH AGle) is my favorite artist. The day after I returned from Disney World, I read that SHAG had produced a line of artwork commemorating WDW's 40th anniversary. He would be at the Magic Kingdom signing autographs later that week. Exactly 3 days after I got home. *sigh* I couldn't get his autograph, but Disney mail-order helped me out with some merchandise. By "helped" I mean took an exorbitant amount of my money and shipped said merchandise to me. I'm still pining for the charm bracelet and Hawaiian shirt.


  1. GAH! Love the SHAG merch!!! And seriously, how are you resisting the coasters also? I wish I was hip to the whole SHAG thing for Disneyland's 50th a few years ago...

    We have 3x that many tomatoes from our 2 plants in the patio garden, it's crazy. They're supposed to be Roma tomatoes, but they aren't any bigger than cherry tomatoes. No idea what we'll do with them all, lol. However, we will only have 1 tomato plant next year. ;)

  2. Oh, thats why I nver want to grow zucchini! I get enough of it from family members who have gardens, I feel like I make chocolate zucchini bread all year round! (from frozen grated zucchini).
    Back to school starts here next week, I am getting more and more scared of that morning coming!

  3. Gasp! Jaxon! Hope you are doing okay! I recall having a few tears myself after K started kindergarten. No worries though, family remains the most important for a few years anyway ( ~ I haven't hit the teenage years yet!)

  4. Wow. Jaxon is going to be in Kindergarten??? It seems like he was just a baby LOL! Take deep breaths. Good Luck to both of you!

  5. Woah. That charm bracelet is SWEET!!

    Hope you had a great first day, Jaxon!

  6. Mmmmm garden goodies, and cake, and kindergarten!!! Oh my!

  7. Those are so cute!! I was just in WDW too! I haven't been for years, but I so enjoyed being back :) And I don't want to wait as long next time to go again. I am going to have to check out this shag merchandise!
