The "I've received all my swap blocks" emails are's such a relief that post office isn't letting us down! Please email me when you have received all your blocks. I've added "DONE!" by your name in the right column if you have shipped and received all you blocks. I still haven't heard from a couple of people about shipping, and a handful of you let me know you'd be shipping in case you are still waiting for blocks from:
Chelsye -- shipping late
Jenifer -- shipping late
Sandy -- shipping late
Shannon -- shipping late
Wendy S. -- shipping late
Melissa G. -- Melissa, I know you've emailed me about receiving blocks, but I can't find an email about shipping.
The charity blocks have continued to arrive as well, and I've updated the list of participants to indicate charity blocks received. My sewing machine has been in the shop the last two weeks but I heard today that it is ready. Yay. Now I can get started assembling our charity projects.
In the meantime, I received two fun packages this week.
I finally spent my gift card to Pink Chalk Fabrics. I decided on yardage for dining room curtains and a holiday magazine. The magazine was a "must have" after a saw Kathy's Christmas tree blocks. I think my Christmas quilt might be wonky stars, swap blocks, and these trees.
And you might remember how I had to wear depends whenever I saw flashes of this fabric. I became the point that I sounded like this:
And so now it is. Mine.
The Riley stripes were on sale so I had to get those, too. I was shocked at the size of the pattern on the main fabric. Here's a business card to show scale.
Which means I will never be able to cut into it. *sigh*
And I was at an impasse deciding which cute picture of Jaxon to post, so you get them both.