
Summer projects and a winner!

I have just over a week until Fall Quarter begins and I am trying to check off a few projects from the to-do list. This week:

Canning. Check.

We had half a bushel of peaches from North Carolina minus as many as we could eat in a week. I thought I would try canning with the rest. I think they were a bit too ripe, everything is a bit runny. But still edible so I put this one in the WIN column.

On the left, runny peach butter; on the right, runny peach jam.

Baby Gifts. Check.

Two coworkers had babies in August, both boys. I made a couple of simple minkee-backed blankets for gifts. Super fast and heartfelt, so also a WIN.

On the left, trucks for Riley; on the right, snails for Chester.

And speaking of wins, I "drew" a name for the Rainy Days fabric.

Eleven corresponds to Mama Bear's comment. Congrats! I'll be emailing you for your address.

-- Post From My iPad


Mama Bear said...

Waaaahoooo I can't believe I won! I'm super pumped. Thank you!!!!!

The WoodLand School said...

I have a cabinet *filled* with runny peach jam!!! We're finding that it's delicious as a syrup on pancakes.

(And PS -- this super-crazy Cosmic Twin thing might be starting to freak me out! Ummm ... matching runny peach jam?!)

Jackie's Stitches said...

My former MIL used to have some runny jams and jellys from time to time. Great on pancakes as previously mentioned but also on ice cream!

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