
Fear and Guilding

I made the two hour round trip drive to the Big City tonight for the inaugural meeting of the Columbus Modern Quilt Guild. What an inspiring group! Here are a few of the many pictures I took at show and tell:

AnneMarie's Elephant baby quilt (sorry it's upside down!)

Cristin's's baby quilt

Amanda's Single Girl quilt

Paula's Tokyo Subway Map quilt (finished before the quilt along ended!!)

Vicki's's Halloween quilt (a sneak preview!)

Good fun, and a good distraction to my Quilt Market preparations/terror. Speaking of which, I have abandoned my "I'm too cool for Twitter so I am going to prove its lameness by getting people to follow me without tweeting" plan. I'm going to use my Twitter account to tweet at Quilt Market. It's over there in the right column, feel free to follow.


1. Jaxon is not being a knight for Halloween -- but a good guess. I thought that's what he looked like, too!

2. When I need to laugh, I go here: A Comprehensive Glossary of Gifs. Of course I smirk knowingly at all of the Arrested Development/Office/Colbert references, and my favorite Doctor (in the comments), but for real laughs don't miss:
A. Do not want (emphatic) -- the poodle seals it for me
B. Internet Reading Expression (and variations)
C. O RLY? (var)

In the comments (Look at the Doctor again!)
A. Snuggie party time.
B. Some random dude's friend, dressed as a kiwi, falling into an icy lake. WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME?
C. Cookie Monster loves big cookie.

This might have just given you too much insight into my psyche, and now you think I'm weird. I have this to say to you:

It kills me every time.


Cristin said...

Beth - nice to put a face to a blog :-) Thanks for doting on my little baby quilt too! I'm not one for public speaking but I felt compelled to share tonight! Looking forward to many more CMQG meetings!

Mama Bear said...

Looks like you met some talented people and saw some great quilts.

I love that movie! That part always cracked me up because that is how I was with my brother.

Can't wait to see what Jaxon is going to be for Halloween!

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like you had fun at the quilt guild -- that's a long way to go for the meeting!

I'm not too cool for twitter, I just can't handle any more social outlets. There's too much to do as it is. Lucky for me, I won't have to watch your twitter account -- maybe I'll watch you type one LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth! It's so nice to get to meet you and the other quilters last nigh, I hope we'll get together again next week :)

AnneMarie said...

It was so nice to meet you last night! Thanks so much for coming and being those wonderful quilts to share with us.

I was surprised to see my quilt up there! Thanks!

Good luck to you next weekend! We'll be thinking about you!

AnneMarie @ Gen X Quilters

MJ said...

Not too cool to twitter here either except I don't need another place to housekeep! My blog is messy enough! Happy weekend!

Rebekah said...

you've got a talented group of quilters in your guild! I'm so impressed by that Tokyo Subway map quilt (maybe I'll make one of those just as soon as I make a Zelda or MArio quilt for my husband)

I love the animated gifs...thanks for that link!

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