Are you ready for 4.5 yards of fabric goodness? Today is the day! I was waiting for enough natural light to take pictures of the fabric, but it is snowing here *again*.
When I started pulling possibilities for the giveaway I was seeing distinct themes, so I am giving away THREE sets of fat quarters, six fat quarters (ish) each!! That's three winners! First place winner will get his/her choice and on down the line.
Here is what you are entering to win:

Enter to win by leaving a comment on this post by Friday 5:00 pm EST (GMT -5). And if you are feeling generous leave a comment on my previous post since no one had a chance to comment before the giveaway. C'mon, you know you want to...
**Edited to add: Yes, this giveaway is open to my international friends...and PLEASE PLEASE don't be a no-reply blogger! Leave your email address so I can aontact you if you win -- and I can say "Hi!"
i get to be first, great blog! i love the 3rd package, but i would take any if given the chance! have a wonderful day, thanks for sharing.
They are all lovely sets of material. I would be very happt to receive any of them.
Wow what a great blog, I have been lurking since your name went up on the list. Bummer about the power, how annoying or what???
I love all the fabric stashes on offer and would be happy to receive any of them.
My fingers are crossed (and it's *so* hard to type this way)! Thanks for sharing.
: )
WOW! and I am # 3, I love them all, so order: 1,2,3 :)
Thanks for dropping by my blog and sharing something about yourself ;)
Looks like you've been having a thorough cleanout! I like the green and brown ones if anyone asks. Thanks for sharing your fabric with us all!
Fabulous and generous giveaway!
I would LOVE to add any of those sets to my tiny stash. I can already think of some fab projects for them.
Great fabric!
Your giveaway is very generous. Lovely fabrics ... I like them all.
I would love ANY of the combos you have combined together. Beautiful fabrics and colors!
Wow! I love the fabrics you choose. Your bookselves down below look great, btw.
I love them all. I will be happy with 3rd place so I don't have to choose.
love them all !
Count me in, they are all really great!
Your stash is gorgeous!!! Please enter me. I had to give up entering all the giveaways today because I had to get some work done. I'm so glad you posted on mine and told me to enter or I would have missed out - THANKS!!!
Wow, are you sure you want to part with these! Thank you for sharing! Come by and see my giveaway too...
andrea dot harris @ telus dot net
Oh, I love the blue set. You are so generous!!
Fantastic fabrics! Nice to "meet"
you, I just had a quick look at your blog. Very interested in the blanket stitch done by machine. I'm in desperate need of a new sewing machine and this is a feature I would like. Thanks for putting my name in your draw. "See" you again soon.
Ohhhhhh, one of the first two bundles would have me drowning in my drool! Mmmmmmmm! I'll put my name in the hat!
Blue or green... blue or green.... nope I can't pick a favourite.
oh, some Anna Maria, love those
maybe I am lucky, but who knows
All three bundles are great, I love them all :)
These are great thanks you for the giveaway. Please count me in.
Greetings from Sunny Perth in Western Australia. I would love any of these fabrics. Thanks for doing this; it is great fun. I teach IT at a uni - to fund the rest of my life; and love the creativity of quilting. email: Cheers Sam
I cant decide which I like better...stack 2 or 3? Help!!!
Mom of 2 Boys, Wife of 1
Oooh, I like them all. But I guess if I have to choose, I would pick the green/brown first, but won't complain with either of the other two. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
Love the pink/yellow and green/brown sets, they are all so lovely.
oh, hard to choose, I really like the first and last ones!
These are great!
I'd love to be entered into your very generous give away. I especially love the pink/yellow set. thanks!
OH I love the pink/yellow set.
Please include me in your draw. I would love to add to my stash.
*smiles* :)
My choice would be 3, then 2, then 1, but I'm not picky when it comes to fabric. Thanks.
Oooh, what lovely favorites are the first ones, but I love them all. Come over and sign up for mine too.
I would have to pick number 1, as I love green. What a fab giveaway!!!
love all the fabrics - but number 1 is my favourite -
very nice fabrics! please enter me.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
Both the green and brown and the blue sets are gorgeous. I love Alexander Henry.
you are so generous with your stash, please count me in.
Such a lovely selection! Please enter me!
Oh gosh.. do I have to choose? I'd go for the blue one I think, though would be happy with any!
They are all so lovely! I would be happy to recive any, but I think #1 is my fav :O)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
That's tough! I like the bottom two fabrics in the third set a lot, but I think my overall favorite is the 1st set. I don't have a lot of green and I do have a lot of brights.
Great giveaway!
Hi! I love all of your fabrics. I would love some to add to my stash and find some fun project to do.
This is my kind of giveaway, fabric! :) Thanks so much, and drop by my blog and say hi anytime! :)
These are all gorgeous! Thanks for the chance!
Oooh, they are all so lovely, you put together some great sets!!
I'll never pass up a chance for free fabric!
They are all very lovely, although I'm rather loving the blue set most!
Thanks so much for sharing =)
Wow, what gorgeous bundles! I like the first and second bundles best. Thank you so much for participating in teh giveaway!
Wow, those sets are great! I would happily take any of them!
i'm drooling over the anna maria set, and they're all great!
wow, i'd choose either green/brown set or blue set!!! thanks for letting the winner get his/her choice.
And woohoo! I see you live in Ohio! (I go to Ohio State)
Tiffany / sherunsaway22 at yahoo dot com
Those pink and blue stacks are calling my name!
Beth-great giveaway! I don't think I've seen any of those fabrics before! I think I like the green/brown set, those are the colors I'm lacking in my meager stash.
Love your choices. How can you part with them??
Turquoise is my all time favourite colour. But then again, they are all lovely.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Great bundles, I am so excited about this giveaway. I am also amazed at the number of bloggers that are participating, what a great community.
Great stuff!
I think I like the pink/yellow lot most, followed by the first one.
oooh! sign me up. They all look awesome
Eek! LOVE the fabric! Me please!
I would love to win any of the three...lovely! Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow, I just love the built in bookcase your hubby made. Very cool! Hum how did I land here...Oh yea..the fabric. Thanks for sharing. Danielle
Lovely fabrics. It's hard to imagine how you can part with them. You are very generous indeed.
How to choose just one set? The blues are fab! Thanks!
Oh my gosh, I don't know if I can choose a favourite! If I win, I'll let you know, haha. Have a great day! :)
boy you have gotten quite the turnout for your giveaway!! all three sets are purty! please enter moi. you did win one of my pincushions, so get over there and pick
I hope I'm still within the timeframe to enter your giveaway.
I love the pink/yellow set the most, although it was hard to choose.
Leah x
I love the blue set, but they're all beautiful!
I commiserate with you about the snow etc. I'm freezing up here in chilly southern Ontario. Thanks for so generously participating in the stash give-away:)
Man! I must learn where you and everyone else do your fabric shopping! I NEVER see stuff like that, but even if I did, I bet it would be out of my price range. At this point, diapers and food come first on my list of priorities and fabric is wayyyyy down on my list-- sigh!
Please please let me win this at least! Thanks for the giveaway! :o)
All of them are gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like them in this order.... 3, 2, 1! :)
Don't forget to enter my giveaway for 7 fat quarters:
I absolutely LOVE the patterns.
So pretty. I hope I win. :)
they are all beautifulm but I am a #3 gal! thank you
I love them all! Thanks for including me I'd be happy with any of them!
b - so at first I thought this was a ploy to get fabric FROM my fabric stash but it's not. Does the fact that you are giving fabric away mean that I don't need to send you anymore? Ha Ha. Hugs - Jen-Jen
Yes please count me in! Thanks!
Wonderful fabrics! I especially love the pink and yellows! Thank you!
Great fabrics, lovely blog, poor you with no power in the freezing cold.
I would adore the first pack but am happy to see what happens
Fabulous Fabrics...I like them all!! Thanks for the chance.
How generous.
What is it about little piles of fabric? It's all deliciously full of possibilities...
Ohh just made it please ad my name!
The pink/yellow is my fav.
I'm glad to hear that your power is up.
Wow, what beautiful fabric. I'd love to see what the rest of your stash looks like, if this is what you're giving away!
Please enter me in your giveaway. All 3 bundles are fabulous! Thank you very much for being so generous.
Any of those sets would make my day! Enter me please!
Ooh, I'd love to be entered in your draw please - and do come to enter mine if you'd like to.
If I had to pick only one I guess by a close margin it would be #3 but #2 is really close behind. Thanks for the chance!
Hi! I'm chiara from Italy, I love your fabrics! It would be great to be the winner... I only started my sewing carrier the last weekend. I made two bags in two days (full of errors...).
Thanks :-)
All three sets are super cute. Thanks for doing this!
I love them all! :o)
These are such GREAT fabrics! How can you give them up? but since you are, sign me up!
Holy crackers, all those fabrics look yummy! Please enter me!! I'd love any of them. thanks, Carrie findingjimmy [at]
Great lot. Please count me in.
I love all of these!! Do you think I can split my person in three and hope to win all of them... :-P
Thank you for charing this with us!
I like 2 & 3. thank you!
Mmm, what lovely fat quarters :-) Please count me in.
i'd love the green/brown set!!!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
Really? Those are awesome! I am trying to reduce my stash, but those are much better than anything that I have.
I love all the choices! Thanks!
Please count me in!
They all look so great. If I win any of these draws I think I will have to give some of my stash away in thanks.
I love the second set the very best! Thanks for the giveaway and I hope your power stays on!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Love them ALL!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Hi Beth. I'm trying to be good about these giveaways, as I already have enough stash to fill a cupboard, but your offers are so gorgeous, I'm going to have to put my name in the hat (or other receptacle).
The first and third lots are my favourites.
Take care :-)
Very pretty bundles! Thanks for the chance to win!
wow, I love all 3 sets!
wow all three are great! my favorite is the green and brown.
ohh, the first package would go perfectly with the Tokyo triagles quilt I'm making :)
Wow, love them all! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Lisa M
All three sets are lovely, however, my favorite is the blue set. Thanks for adding my name for a chance in your drawing:)
Lovely fabric, my choice would be blue, then pink, then green. Thanks
They are all gorgeous. Upon pain of death (or missing out) I would choose the green set.
I wanna win....pleeeeease.....Tam xo
I honestly would be happy with any of these choices...I mean I really, really, REALLY like the green one, but I would be happy with any! Please enter me in your giveaway...thank you!
Oh, definitely #1 or #2! Such beautiful fabrics! What a great giveaway.
I love them all! Surprise me with any!
Great giveaway - please enter me, the fabrics are beautiful. Thank you, Kim
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Please add my name in! I love the green/brown set! But any fabric for me would be a treat because the nearest fabric store is 4 hours away so I don't get there often. Thanks!
Oh you have great fabric!!! I love them all but maybe #2 best - that turq has been calling me lately :) Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Such pretty fabric to giveaway.
Thanks for being so generous.
I would love the fabric in the sets as shown 1,2 and3.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at
Can I please win those blue ones??? You have great taste!
Hi!! lovely fabrics :D
count me in, please!!
hugs from Portugal
What a wonderful give-away...m
What lovely fabrics. I would love to be entered into this drw for any one of those great prizes. Please come see what I have on hand for my give away I'm at
I am in love with the green set! Such a lovely lot of fabrics all of them and so generous of you to be giving them away.
Any of the sets would be great for me! I love to be creative, and I like getting my kids creative too! Thanks for joining!
I'd love to enter your draw!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Lovely fabric - particularly fond of the third grouping. Find me at
I'm having so much fun blog-hopping and making friends this year.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!
Peace and Blessings!
I love all your fabrics, what a wonderful stash you must have!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I'd love to be entered into your giveaway. All the fabrics are gorgeous!
Your giveaway is really wonderful, such beautiful fabrics! I hope I win!!!!
Thanks for the chance!
Isn't electricity a wonderful thing! Glad yours is back on!
ooh lovely loot - thanks for offering
what a fantastic collection of fabrics, awesome give-away :)
I agree with many of the others - they are all gorgeous fabrics. (but my fave is #2 - those blues are all to die for!)
Three lovely sets of fabric, I would have a tough time choosing if I were to be so lucky. I'll hope for either the green or blue!
I would love to be entered to win. Thank you! :-) I think they are all wonderful. I am also having a giveaway that is part of the OWOH giveaway and would love for you to stop by and enter. :-)
me too..
What lovely sets of fabric. What an incredibly generous giveaway.
These are all so lovely, I'd be happy to win any of them!
I'm new to this idea of sewing and quilting, and part of what I'm loving about clicking through the blogs is the variety of fabrics and colors and how people are packaging them up in sets. It's lovely! I'll be back to read for sure!
hey there - how generous of you. my favs are the first two sets - totally gorgeous - hope am not too late to enter!
Hi Beth, I'd love to enter your giveaway, these fabrics are lovely. If I'm lucky enough to be drawn out I'd really like set 2 or 3. Please stop by and enter my draw to. Thanks, Kelly :-)
hi Thanks for a chance at winning. Pls pop me in the draw. I like the 3rd one too.
Oh my goodness! What a great draw :)
I love the choices - sign me up to WIN!!
what fun...please please pick me ... i'm not suppose to buy any more fabrics for a while :( my favorite would be a toss up between the blue and pink...but i would be happy with the green too! thanks for the contest!
Wow - this is a great response! Good luck to me, I guess...I see some fabrics in there that I have always admired, but never purchased.
I love the last package :)
I would love any of the packages. Please enter me into your lovely giveaway.
Thanks so much!
dbkagrayson2002 [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for keeping this open a wee bit longer than most of the others...I only stumbled across this event tonight. I'm not sure if the draw is for all the fabric or only a set? If only a set I like the pink/yellow fave for flowers and such.
Such great fabric! I especially love the green/brown set. You wouldn't believe what a hard time I had finding complementing greens and browns for a quilt recently.
I'm at hmoe(at)moedaddy(dot)com.
If I'm not too late, I would love to be included in your fantastic giveaway. All three of your offerings are GORGEOUS! Best wishes from Australia.
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