I mentioned my resolution to sew from a pattern/book/magazine I already own once a month for the year of 2011. A couple of commenters declared a similar resolve, and Jenn has been all over the idea!
So we are organizing a sew along of sorts!
This one will be pretty low key! Each month between February and October, choose a pattern from your library and post your choice to our Flickr group. By the end of the month post your finished project! Done! Choose something simple on those busy months or tackle something you've been meaning to try.
And need another reason for joining in -- besides using those patterns that are languishing unopen in a drawer? There will be GIVEAWAYS! That's right, each month participants will be entered in a giveaway (fabric! gift cards! tools and supplies!), and those who take part for each of the nine months the pact runs will be entered in a special sponsored giveaway (just don't ask who the sponsor is -- still working on that!).
OK, so you have until February 7 to choose your first project!! Let's go!
WAIT! I almost forgot. If you'd like to post the button to your blog, go ahead and download it from this post, and link it to this post or our Flickr group. Let me know if you need help!
Pattern Pact 2011
Sneaky Peeky
We've had a snowy week, with lots of huddling around the fireplace. I've found a little time for crafting/sewing when not working or huddling.
Jaxon has been BESIDE himself over these Dr. Who paper figures I folded last fall.
I finally broke down and made some for him.
He wanted the "colorful Doctor," the black TARDIS, and a k-9 "puppy." It took me a good two hours to fold these and he has probably played with them a total of 30 minutes. At least they were a happy 30 minutes.
I've been working on a project I'm not quite ready to reveal, but I can't help showing a few process shots. Any guesses what I am working on?
Here's a hint: I am a big fan of the TV show "Psych." If you watch you should know...
And I am looking forward to a long weekend. The CMQG is having a sew-in Saturday and I am headed to IKEA Sunday. Woo hoo! I'm hoping this morning's sunrise is a harbinger of a sunny weekend!
-- Post From My iPad
Resolutions 2011
This year we are all getting into the resolution spirit:
Samantha resolves to enjoy the cold weather, she hates the heat...
Jaxon resolves to practice his angry face, although he never uses it when he is angry -- it makes him laugh!
I resolve to make something from a book or magazine I already own each month. I buy them and then they languish on the shelf (or in the magazine rack). No more! Here's the first for January:
My sister got me Amy Butler's new book for Christmas. This is my first begin-and-finish of 2011.
Fabric is Michael Miller's Gray Prom (and dumb dot), lined in curtains from Jaxon's nursery. The prom fabric was made for me! Perfect! Look at this young lady spiking the punch:

Too cute! This is designed by Shawn Wallace. She's my favorite and behind most of Michael Miller's novelty fabric.
The bag went together quickly -- I just wish I would have used heavier interfacing for more form.
Those are our resolutions! Oh, and Charlie? He resolves *not* to be on my blog!
-- Post From My iPad
Go Ohio!
Hey gang-a-lang, just dropping in to share this video with you. Wilson Footballs is in a small town in Ohio and supplies all official (American) footballs to the NFL. I can't imagine having to turn a leather football inside out. I can barely do a cotton purse. These are some craftsmen and -women!
Back to work!
Time Warp
The calendar says 2011, but I am finishing up 2010. Yesterday was my last day of vacation, the quarter began today. I got a lot accomplished over break -- lots of crafting, some work around the house, and 4 novels (and many magazines) read -- but could have used another week before facing the students.
I finally finished my Pay It Forward gifts. When searching through my blog to confirm recipients I discovered that my 365 days expired in November. I hope my Pay It Forward friends forgive me!
In each package I included:
And not pictured...some Buckeye candy and origami wreaths. Now I can move onto 2011!
* A note about Best Press: When we visited Courtney last spring, she asked if I use Best Press. "No," I responded. "I use water. It's free."
"Well, it's really good," Courtney advised.
A local quilt shop was having a sale -- buy one gift pack of Best Press, get one free. So I've been using Best Press and I am officially a convert. Courtney, I am eating humble pie!
-- Post From My iPad