It has been a crazy quarter, and obviously blogging (and sewing) has taken a back seat. What I *haven't* shared...
I'm the associate director of our school and we are working hard on the transition from quarter to semesters. It's madness.
It's week 10 of the quarter. Which means next week is finals week. Ouch.
I have another tutorial over at Havel's.
I think I've sewn one thing in 10 weeks. I am going through serious withdrawal. I am going to a retreat next weekend. Can't wait.
I had a skin biopsy that came back positive, and had to have a bit of surgery. Two more to go in November.
The "one thing" I've sewn in the last 10 weeks, is a Captain Jack Sparrow costume for Jaxon (and a bit of my costume, too).

B - You are sooo clever. I love how your costume turned out. See you soon - JB
Ahh, skin biopsy. Thinking of you and praying all clear soon!
Busy busy!!
EJ, www.thesearemyreasons.blogspot.com
You're too funny -- great costumes. It's good to see you back here. I hope everything goes well with your surgeries. XOXO.
I can't comment on not blogging! You've done better than me!
Great costumes!
Never mind the blogging. Sometimes life takes over. I haven't be able to sew for a month now. It's driving me crazy!!
Bugger about the biopsy! Hope it all gets better soon.
Jaxon looks adorable!!
Will you be going to the CMQG sew in tomorrow??
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