Today's inspiration is brought to you by participants in the swap, but first....
I almost wet my pants when I saw this on the coming soon page of Michael Miller Fabric's website:
I. Must. Have. This. Fabric. Yards and yards and yards of it.
OK, I feel better now.
Over the past couple of days I have received charity blocks from:
Thanks so much, ladies! Also, on occasion someone includes a little giftie for me with their charity blocks. Completely not necessary, but very appreciated. I wanted to share one of those with you, because it is going to revolutionize my life.
Wait for it....
YES! I have often sat and pondered about the loose ends on my bobbins and how to keep them from unrolling (for reals). And then Lynda showed me the light. Thanks, Lynda. Brilliant!
And now to be inspired! Last week I showed you some more "traditional" ways to use your swap blocks -- runners and quilt. The following items were all made by some of the talented ladies participating in our swap, and the photos were all used with permission.
Of course, I have to once again show you AudreyPawdrey's (Audrey S.) Christmas tree skirt (check out the link to also see her beautiful table runner!!). What a great way to use your blocks!

Making these blocks is a little addictive, so if you find yourself with enough to make a quilt and still have some extras, why not make some pillows?

Or if you have just one or two spare blocks, you might consider making hot pads/trivets, like this one made by our own One ShaBby ChiCk (Amber):

And this last bit of inspiration isn't exactly an alternative to a quilt or runner, but maybe a way you might think of piecing your blocks.

Can't you just see a whole quilt of Christmas cottages? Add a scrappy roof to your swap blocks, and you are ready to go!
I'm not quite sure of what I'll be making out of my blocks, but I hope whatever you make you'll be posting to our Flickr group! I just added my most recent blocks. I'm not sure they are "scrappy" enough, but I do love the color combo!
bwahaha...i had to laugh over your peed pants comments! but that does look like great fabric!
Oh Wow! that Modern and little icon on the fabric look just like your header! It is perfect for you and you must buy yeards and yards of it...
I love the idea for the bobbins!
Beth thank you for sharing all those great ideas!
I'm thinking tree skirt or placemats... Can't decide until I get them!!! so many things to do with them...!! fun to play!
Love the bobbin idea--genius! And if you drop the thing on the floor it won't unravel--ok, so maybe I'm the only one who has that problem.
Everybody's blocks look so great. I have mine waiting to be stitched...better get on that!
Hahaha -- you're so funny! That fabric is definitley pants-wetting-worthy! And what a fabulous idea with those bobbins!!!
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